Snow peas are an edible pea pod that are a staple of Chinese cooking, and can be found in many produce sections and markets. Don't confuse them with sugar snap peas. Snow peas are smaller and flatter while sugar snap peas are rounder and fatter.
Peas are perhaps one of the oldest cultivated vegetables, as evidence of peas were found at a stone-age lake village archeology site in Switzerland. The wild variety of peas are believed to have been native to western Asia and eastern Europe. Peas weren’t really popular in Europe until after 1600. They were thought to be extravagant and were eaten only by royalty.
With their crisp texture, they are perfect for stir-frying as they take only a minute or two to warm through. They have a unique flavor, slightly sweet with just a hint of bitterness to the larger pods, especially when eaten raw. They can be added to main dish meals or served as a vegetable side, added to soups or served raw in salads.
They are very high in Vitamins A and C and are loaded with iron and potassium. When shopping for them, select pods that are no longer than 3 inches, that have a good color, are firm and have no dark spots on them. To prepare them for cooking, remove both ends by pinching and wash thoroughly and cook them whole.